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Best Diet Drink Grape Juice

The health benefits of grape juice include improved heart health, improved immune system, better digestive system, reduced cholesterol, and reduced risk of heart diseases and cancer. Grape juice can do it all. Literally.

Freshly squeezed grape juice has concentrated amounts of essential minerals and vitamins along with a hefty dose of antioxidants and carotenoids to keep you strong and healthy.

There's no doubt grapes are special. They have the same health benefits as other popular berries and then some. This means adding grape juice or whole grapes to your diet might be the answer to all your problems.

Of course, grape juice can surely help you reach your health goals as long as it's part of a healthy and balanced diet. Here's all you need to know about grape juice.

Grape Juice Nutrition Facts

  • A 5-oz serving of grape juice will add 85 calories to your diet, representing only 8% of your recommended daily intake. 1% of that is a dietary fiber with 0.3 grams, and the rest is sugar.
  • Grape juice has decent amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.
  • Vitamin-wise, grape juice is a fantastic source of vitamin C, K and has adequate amounts of most B-complex vitamins.
  • There are extraordinary amounts of lutein and other carotenoids in grape juice as well. The compounds are necessary for maintaining healthy eyes, and you must consume these compounds through your diet — your body can't produce them on its own.

9 Health Benefits of Grape Juice

All fruit juice is relatively healthy and is packed with vitamins, fiber, sugars and minerals. Grape juice, though, is amongst the most beneficial. The compounds dissolved in the inky juice work at many levels in your body.

Consuming grape juice regularly, especially if it's freshly squeezed, can positively impact your overall health. And the same can be said about consuming whole grapes often.

Read on and discover the most notable health benefits of adding grape juice to your diet. From solid bones to healthy eyes, grape juice has you covered. Here are 9 health benefits of grape juice.

1. Improve Heart Health

Flavonoids in grape juice are not fat themselves but can increase the good type of cholesterol in your bloodstream. High-density cholesterol can reduce the 'bad' low-density cholesterol levels — known for blocking your arteries and causing significant health threats.

Consuming grape juice regularly will ensure your levels of good and bad cholesterol are balanced. If that weren't enough, there are outstanding amounts of nitric oxide in grape juice. The all-natural compound relaxes your arteries, reducing blood pressure and helping prevent artery clogs.

2. Boost Immune System

Antioxidants present in red grape skins are critical for preventing severe health threats caused by scavenging free radicals floating in your bloodstream. Antioxidants bind with free radicals, preventing them from damaging your body at a cellular level. Free radicals are responsible for a condition called oxidative stress that leads to chronic inflammation and even some types of cancer.

Keeping these molecules in check is critical to ensure good health. Besides, antioxidants will reduce the signs of premature aging, keeping everything from your skin to your hair nice and glossy.

3. Can Fight Microorganisms

The antiseptic properties in grape juice, mainly from red grapes, can fight harmful yeast, bacteria and viruses. Consuming grape juice will boost your immune system, helping treat minor infections and preventing major health breaches caused by viruses and bacteria.

Although grape juice alone is not strong enough to control more potent infections, it can keep your body alert and help you fight intruders preventing complications. Consuming grape juice is undoubtedly a way to keep your immune system strong. It's all thanks to the antioxidants in grape juice, and more importantly, the large amounts of vitamin C in the juice.

4. Help Your Digestive System

Constipation, insufficient nutrient absorption, diarrhea, stomachaches, cramps, bloating, and gas can be reduced with regular grape juice consumption.

Grape juice can reduce constipation, yes, and, when consumed in large amounts, can be a natural laxative. The insoluble fiber in the fruit is also a good way of getting things flowing, reducing the risk of slow bowel movement.

Eating whole grapes can prove even more effective in fighting gastrointestinal problems. They add extra insoluble fiber to your diet, which will help reduce any discomfort, bringing your digestive system to its normal state.

5. Keep Arteries Clean

We've mentioned antioxidants in grape juice will fight off free radicals in your bloodstream. Still, the dietary fiber in the juice will help eliminate other potential threats, keeping arteries and veins clean from cholesterol buildup, for example.

Unlike insoluble fiber, dietary fiber finds its way to your bloodstream, clearing your blood vessels and helping cleanse other organs like your kidneys and liver. Dietary fiber has an immense impact on people at risk of suffering from heart disease and could even reduce the risk of suffering a stroke. Dietary fiber is also present in other fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

6. Lower Cholesterol

Some antioxidants, like resveratrol, are particularly healthy for your heart and circulatory system as they provide flexibility and strength to the arteries' walls. Resveratrol can also lower cholesterol reduce blood sugar levels, help you control blood pressure and even prevent some types of cancer.

Heart conditions are responsible for one out of every four deaths in the country. Consuming grape juice and other food rich in resveratrol and other antioxidants could help lower those statistics. You'll be pleased to know there's resveratrol in red wine as well, and they're present in whole grapes too.

7. Reduce Risk of Cancer

Plant compounds, including grape juice's fiber and antioxidants, can reduce the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, and others. As these compounds cleanse the arteries, reduce buildups, regulate blood sugar levels and blood pressure, the body is in better shape to fight cancer cell growth.

More research is needed to assess grape juice's ability to prevent or fight certain types of cancer, but the results so far are encouraging. Only time will tell if the tasty juice can be added to cancer prevention programs and treatments.

8. Supports Eye Health

Many compounds, including antioxidants, can reduce the risk of suffering from eye degeneration. Still, it's vitamin A, one of the most available vitamins in grape juice, and several carotenoids, which have the most impact in this department.

Lutein, zeaxanthin and resveratrol protect your eyes and can reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Grape juice can help you keep your retinas in pristine condition, slowing deteriorating conditions and preventing further damage to your eyes.

Most common eye diseases can be prevented and treated to some extent with adequate consumption of the compounds found in grape juice.

9. Keep Your Bones Strong

It might not look like it, but there's calcium in grape juice, which can help your body regenerate and keep your bone structure strong. Vitamin K in the fruit juice helps fix that calcium in place, and good levels of other essential minerals, including magnesium and potassium, help, too.

Reducing the risk of bone and joint deterioration is critical, and you must start at an early age, as your body loses the ability to regenerate bones later in life. Start drinking grape juice today and keep those bones strong!

Why You Should Drink Grape Juice Everyday?

Drinking grape juice every day is the best way of enjoying all the health benefits described above. Remember, staying healthy is about having good habits, so be persistent and always have some fresh grape juice in the fridge. And don't forget to drink grape juice every day because:

Grapes are fruits!

Let's start with the obvious. Grapes are fruit, so adding them or the juice extracted from them to your diet is already a wise decision. Eating fruits is the easiest way of making sure your body has all the energy, hydration and nutrition it needs to work correctly, and grapes are amongst the healthiest!

From fiber to vitamins and minerals, grape juice is an all-natural dietary supplement that will not only keep you nourished but will also reduce the risk of suffering from a wide range of disorders, illnesses and other conditions.

Eat fruit. If you don't like grapes, choose your favorite, but add fruit to your diet today and start feeling better.

Keep You Hydrated

Did you know most of us are constantly slightly dehydrated? This causes headaches, weakness, bad mood, and even difficulty sleeping. Drinking grape juice every day will keep you hydrated. It will give your body all the antioxidants it needs to keep signs of premature aging, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress at bay.

You'll find these handy antioxidants in the grape's skins, and they leach into the fruit juice. You can also benefit from similar results in eating grapes every day, with the benefit of adding much necessary dietary fiber to your diet.

Last but not least, grape juice is natural Gatorade. With excellent levels of natural electrolytes, including potassium, calcium and phosphorus, it can help your body retain liquid, even during intense physical activities. Restoring your hydration levels after working out is paramount for muscle regeneration.

If you drink grape juice every day, make sure it's not overly sweet, as some brands can have as much sugar as a can of coke! Grapes and grape juice are awesome, simple carbs like refined sugar, not that much. Concord grape juice can be a really good choice.

How Healthy Is Grape Juice Compared to Red Wine?

Both red wine and grape juice have their health benefits, but they also come with a few risks.

Grape juice is incredibly healthy, but it can pack too much sugar, especially if you drink store-bought grape juice or concentrate. On the other hand, wine is an alcoholic drink, and you should consume it in moderation.

Having said that, doctors recommend a glass of red wine now and then to boost your mood and make the most out of its antioxidants. The good news? A recent study suggests grape juice and red wine might have similar health benefits, and that goes for whole grapes as well. They're at the same level, so consume grapes in all its forms!

Classic Grape Juice Recipe

Glass of fresh grape juice
Glass of fresh grape juice

Makes 1 pitcher


  • 4 cups red, seedless grapes
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 2 cups of water
  • Ice as needed


  1. Disinfect and rinse the grapes under running water.
  2. In a blender, add the grapes, sugar, lemon juice, and water. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour into the pitcher, adjust sweetness. Pour into glasses filled with fresh ice.

Grape Juice Sangria Recipe


Makes 1 pitcher


  • 4 cups red, seedless grapes
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 cup of dry red wine
  • 1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • Orange slices as a garnish
  • Ice as needed


  1. Disinfect and rinse the grapes under running water.
  2. In a blender, add the grapes, sugar, lemon juice, and orange juice. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour into the pitcher, top with the red wine. Mix well. Adjust the sweetness if necessary. Add the orange slices and pour into glasses filled with fresh ice.

Now You're a Grape Juice Drinker

Who knew grapes could be so healthy and tasty? Let's say it out loud; we don't eat grapes all that often, so add them to your grocery list today. Grapes are authentic superfoods and all-natural sweets, so make the most out of them!

And now that you know how to make homemade grape juice forget about the stuff that comes in a box. When it comes to grapes, the fresher, the better. Don't forget to try that sangria at your next dinner party and make sure you have some grapes table center for everyone to dig in!

Stay hydrated, and what better way than by consuming grape juice? Grape juice can really do it all, so consider adding it to your diet today.

While you're at it, move around a little. Having an active lifestyle along with a balanced diet is the secret to enjoying a long, healthy life. No, grape juice will not keep you healthy on its own, but it can surely help!

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Twigs Cafe Staff

Twigs cafe staff is comprised of editors, writers, food & drink experts, nutritionists, and researchers to create informative and helpful content for health-conscious people.

Best Diet Drink Grape Juice
