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Kotor 2 How to Get Into Vogga's Warehouse

Refugee Landing Pad [edit]

As you first enter from the Refugee Landing Pad, the Wookiee bounty hunter Hanharr approaches Vogga the Hutt in his enclave on the opposite side of the docks:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: Ah, the mighty Hanharr. You wear your shackles well. How did your meeting with Goto go? Lethal, I hope?

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: Only his shadow and his voice, he fears to stand before others in the flesh. He is strange prey.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: I do not pay you to hunt him, but to kill him, Wookiee. Perhaps I chose unwisely - perhaps another bounty hunter scum could serve me better.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: You find no one who can hunt better than me. I have walked the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk and returned with the pincers of the kinrath buried in my flesh, with the scars of battle upon him, with-
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: Yes, yes... and that is why Czerka found you such easy prey. I care nothing for the accomplishments of primates on some backwater world, Hanharr - I care only for your accomplishments here, upon the smuggler's moon. But if you cannot perform the task, then perhaps the human female will serve - Mira, is it? Even nauseatingly thin and shapely and free of wrinkles, she is said to have a dancer's grace - and to be a better hunter than you. She refuses to kill, but I imagine with enough credits, I could persuade her otherwise, especially considering what a disappointment you have proven to be.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: Speak of her again, and I will tear your tongue from your thr-

As Hanharr advances angrily, the two kath hounds flanking Vogga growl at him.

The passage ahead leads to the walkway around the perimeter of the docks.

Pylon 1 [edit]

To the right at the end of the walkway is the door to the control room for Pylon 1. The Pylon 1 console is against the middle of the back wall:

Once you've activated this console by continuing along the walkway and using the pylon power console at the junction leading to Pylon 2, you can examine freighter ID Signatures:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Examine freighter ID Signatures.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Read ID Signature of freighter Silver Zephyr. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Read ID Signature of freigher Toorna's Profits. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Read ID Signature of freighter Alakandor.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1

Silver Zephyr: I-9*-***-*2*

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1

Toorna's Profits: E-**-4*1-1*8

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1

Alakandor: S-49-491-937

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. Return to Main Menu.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Assign freighter priorities.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 1 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 1


You need to speak to dockmaster Fassa at the junction leading to Pylon 2 before you can assign freighter priorities, although this can be done at any of the three pylon consoles.

Flophouse [edit]

The walkway away from Pylon 1 leads to the bottom left corner of the docks, then turns right and continues down the left side. As you continue past the turn and approach the junction leading to Pylon 2, you'll see the door to the flophouse in the wall to the left. The hallway beyond turns left to another door, beyond which is another hallway to the right with doors along both walls.

Vogga's Horde [edit]

Beyond the first door on the left of the flophouse hallway are a Gran and an Aqualish thug. If you approach or try to speak to them:

If you thought you could sneak up on us, you were wrong.

They only speak when they think they're alone, so you or one of your party need to turn on Stealth mode before approaching again:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Aqualish Thug: There's got to be a way into Vogga's chambers.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Gran Thug: Vogga will decorate his chambers with our skin if he catches us.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Aqualish Thug: No one's going to break open Vogga's treasure chamber. You'd have to get by his kath hounds, his guards, him, then break the lock.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Gran Thug: Not going to happen - if you could even get admitted to see him, which is not possible.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Aqualish Thug: Kath hounds can be put to sleep - and so can Vogga. If you can get past the guards, it's just you and the lock, simple.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Gran Thug: How would you put them to sleep?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Aqualish Thug: They're kath hounds - juma juice from the cantina will put them out in seconds. As for Vogga, you'd need a tub of it, but it's possible.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Gran Thug: Too bad he fed that one dancer to the kath hounds. Dancing always used to tire him out.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Aqualish Thug: How can anyone get tired watching dancing?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Gran Thug: This is Vogga - just the effort of following a dancer with his eyes is more exertion than he's used to.

The second door on the left of the hallway is locked, but the room beyond is empty except for a metal box in the back right corner.

Security Door Unlock 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20
KotOR Icon Item(s) Received.png Item(s) Received: Metal Box
  • ?

Beyond the first door in the right wall are three Mandalorians, the leader in the middle. If you speak to either of the two others:

Walking into other people's apartments on Nar Shaddaa is a good recipe for a short life. Remember that.

You can speak to the leader:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mandalorian: Not a very good idea, entering a Mandalorian's room uninvited. Why don't you back up to the point where you were standing outside the door and rethink your decision.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Good idea. I'll be going now.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I'm pretty comfortable right here. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. A Mandalorian with a sense of humor?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mandalorian: You've got some guts, don't you? Alright, you've earned it. What do you want? KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mandalorian: There are a few of us in the galaxy. Now, what do you want?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. I'll be going now.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Anything you have of value.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mandalorian: Why don't you back up to the point in time where you were about to say that, and rethink your decision.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Give me anything you have of value.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mandalorian: Guts or a death wish. Tell you what, I'll do us both a favor and pretend you didn't say that.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Nothing, just looking around. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I was just looking around.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mandalorian: Enjoy yourself.

If you speak to him again:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mandalorian: I thought we already went over this.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I'm a slow learner. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I just wanted to talk to you. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. You're right - I'll be going now.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mandalorian: You're not going to survive long on Nar Shaddaa if you don't change that. Now get out of here. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mandalorian: We might be able to work something out, if not for the fact that I don't want to talk to you.

However, there's not much point until you've traveled to Onderon and Mandalore has joined your party.

Wayward Captain [edit]

Beyond the second door on the right of the flophouse hallway are three Lunar Shadow crewmen, and a metal box in the back right corner.

KotOR Icon Item(s) Received.png Item(s) Received: Metal Box
  • ?

Two of the crewmen will only comment:

Where is the captain? He will stagger back, smelling of fumes. After a night in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, the captain will smell like the surface of Duros. I await our captain with some anxiety. We must leave soon.

You can speak to the other:

Otherwise, you can pick a fight:

Lunar Shadow Crewmen (level 12)
KotORII Model Lunar Shadow Crewmen.png

Set 3
Level 9
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 4
Strength 13 +1
Dexterity 11 0
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 9 -1
Vitality 37
Force -
Defense 19
Fortitude 14
Reflex 13
Will 13
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Energy - -
Threat - -
Attack 13 -
Bludgeoning 3-9 -
Threat 20-20,x2 -
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Sneak Attack I


All three have Sneak Attack I, so don't let them flank you. Killing them is psychotic.

KotOR Icon XP.png Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Lunar Shadow Crewman (3) (level 12)

However, this can be avoided by indulging your curiosity instead:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Captain?

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: Yes, our captain has sealed himself inside the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, and we cannot retrieve him.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. Never mind. I'll be going now.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Jekk'Jekk Tarr? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Why can't you retrieve him?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: A bar of poisonous fumes... but refreshing to members of his species. We cannot go in there to retrieve them without proper protection. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: Jekk'Jekk Tarr is a bar filled with fumes that are poisonous to us -- and you -- but refreshing to many other species.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: So here we wait for our captain to inhale enough to lose consciousness, then he will stumble back here - but by then, we will have missed our departure date.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. What species is your captain?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: He is a Weequay. They are untrusting and superstitious and our captain is a prime example.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I'll keep an eye... or a nose... out for him if I can get inside the Jekk'Jekk Tarr.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: Thank you, human.

KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Wayward Captain
Crewmen of the Lunar Shadow have told you that their captain is in the alien bar Jekk'Jekk Tarr. They hope that you will be able to find him and convince him to return.

If you speak again before finding their captain:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: Hello again. Did you find our captain?

The Lunar Shadow captain is a Weequay who can be found in the back left corner of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr bar's Arid Room. After leaving the flophouse, turn left and continue along the walkway past the junction to Pylon 2 and round to Jekk'Jekk Tarr: once inside, the Arid Room is to the left. Persuade him to return, and receive 1500 XP.

Will Work for Fuel [edit]

Otherwise, once you've spoken to Odis in the Refugee Quad:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. I don't know where your Captain is, but I know a skilled pilot who can join you.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: Really? Hmm...what do you think guys?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: I'm sick of the Captain's folly.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: Yeah, he wastes all of our profits on his entertainment.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: All right. We'll take on this pilot of yours.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Never mind.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: Don't get our hopes up like that!


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. He'll need sponsorship for his license.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lunar Shadow Crewman: That's no problem. We'll take care of that.

If you speak to any of the crewmen again before leaving the docks:

Thanks for your help, human. Thank you for helping us, human. Thanks for your help, human.

Beyond the third door on the right of the hallway is an empty room with a metal box in the back right corner:

Security Metal Box Unlock 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
KotOR Icon Item(s) Received.png Item(s) Received: Metal Box
  • ?

Experiment in Delivery [edit]

Beyond the fourth door on the right of the hallway are a metal box and a Bith scientist on the right, with a droid lab assistant at the back.

I must concentrate on my work. KotOR Icon Item(s) Received.png Item(s) Received: Metal Box
  • ?

You can speak to the Bith scientist:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: But if we re-calibrate one, we'd have to re-calibr... who are you?


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Never mind. I'll be going now.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I am Name, just checking out the area.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: I see. Yet, at the same time, I do not. Explain what it is you have come here for... Name, is it?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Why don't you tell me who you are first? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Who are you?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: I am the one who has purchased the rights to this room. Can you explain why it is you are disturbing my work?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Can I ask what you're doing?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: I do not know if you can or not. I am unfamilair with human ettiquette or physiology in reference to such situations.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I just want to know what you're doing, it looks interesting.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: Of course, ask away.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: I am trying to get everything working. It is very difficult.
Repair 1. [Repair (6)] This equipment looks like it's designed to track signals – correct? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. What does all this do? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Getting this junk up and running looks like a waste of time.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: This equipment allows me to tie into the listening devices I installed in the docking pylons. They make perfect antennas, you see.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Antennas for what? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Why do you do this?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: To triangulate a signal I detected. It is elusive, with strange harmonics, yet I must catch it.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Tracking a signal among the dock frequencies seems impossible. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. You're looking for one specific signal?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: Yes, but I must. It is the only frequency that I cannot get out of my head.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I don't understand. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. There are ways I could help you with that problem.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: Yes, well, my species can hear much higher frequencies than your species, you see. Sometimes we can hear communications sent through artificial means.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Why is it a problem? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I would think by now you could tune out what you don't want to hear.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: It will not stop. No matter how many frequency dampeners I surround myself with, I cannot get that one signal out of my head. The power driving it must be enormous.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: Whatever is generating this signal is strong enough to cover the entire planet. The unique thing is that the transmission is buried in several signals and other background noise.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. How did you find it then? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. So you stumbled upon it by mistake.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: I would not have been able to pick it out if it weren't for my knowledge of such things. Therein lies the problem. Due to my familiarity with the relevant technologies, I cannot tune it out as other Bith probably do. It is too noticeable - and too curious - for me to ignore. What makes this signal so unique is that it uses other transmissions and signals as carriers to cover the entire planet. There is no one generator of this signal, such a device would be quite conspicuous.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Who is behind it? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. So you believe whomever's signal this is wants to keep it hidden.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: Whoever uses this particular signal wanted to keep it a secret from anyone who did not know exactly what to look for.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Is there anything I can do to help you out? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Interesting. Might be worth checking out, if the price is right.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: I am in need of a good courier, actually.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. What's the job? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I am not your errand boy. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I am not your errand girl.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: No, no, nothing like that.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: It is simple, I just don't have the time to leave my work.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I'm interested. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Tell me what you would have me do.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: Take these credits and meet a supplier of mine, a twi'lek. He has a vital part needed to complete my triangulation. Give him the payment, and he will give you the part. Bring the part here. Simple.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. And then for compensation, you will give me what?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: You will have my thanks. And 200 credits. I might even consider letting you stay while I finish my triangulation.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. No deal. I don't have time for this.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Where were you supposed to meet this twi'lek? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Fine. Where am I to meet this man?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith Scientist: The twi'lek is to meet me in Pylon 3 in just a few minutes. To help me, go there now, without delay.

If you speak to him again:

After leaving his quarters and the flophouse, turn left and continue along the walkway around the perimeter of the docks to Pylon 3 at the very end in the top right corner. Inside, you now find a Twi'lek corpse in the top left corner:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Twi'lek Corpse: [This must be the contact you were supposed to meet. The body has been stripped of the package you were to buy for the Bith scientist.]

The door is closed and locked as the patroling cleaning droid attacks:

Cleaning Droid (level 12)
KotORII Model Cleaning Droid.png

Set 4
Level 9
Class Combat Droid
Alignment 30 (dark)
Awareness 2
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 18 +4
Constitution 24 +7
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 3 -4
Vitality 126
Force -
Defense 26
Fortitude 21
Reflex 16
Will 10
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Energy - -
Threat - -
Attack 23 -
Energy 1-10 +5 physical
Threat - -
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Droid Warfare Upgrade Droid Anatomy Library Droid Defense Barrier

Logic Upgrade Droid Upgrade Class 3


It starts by using its Droid Defense Barrier. If it attacks a droid, reduce its Attack by 3 (since its Droid Anatomy Library grants it Attack Modifier: +3 vs. Human). Surprisingly, its damage never changes.

This gains the attention of the Exchange. When you return to the Bith scientist's quarters:

KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Experiment in Delivery: Bonus Mission
You have returned to find that the Bith scientist has disappeared. His experiments were still running as if he left, or was taken, suddenly. His assistant droid also appears to be missing.

The Bith scientist may not have disppeared entirely, since there's a Bith arm holding a datapad on the floor:

KotOR Icon Item(s) Received.png Item(s) Received: Bith Arm Holding Datapad
  • Datapad: Bith Scientist's Quarters
"Found signal. Droid attacked me. It's deleting my data. Will try to get awa... [log interrupted]"

Overtaxed Ithorian [edit]

The flophouse hallway turns left. Around this final corner and beyond the first door on the left is an Ithorian named Lasavvou, with a metal box in the back left corner:

Security Metal Box Unlock 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
KotOR Icon Item(s) Received.png Item(s) Received: Metal Box
  • ?

Otherwise, you can attack him:

Lasavvou (level 12)
KotORII Model Lasavvou.png

Set 1
Level 9
Class Minion
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 0
Strength 6 -2
Dexterity 6 -2
Constitution 6 -2
Intelligence 6 -2
Wisdom 6 -2
Charisma 6 -2
Vitality 31
Force -
Defense 15
Fortitude 8
Reflex 8
Will 8
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Energy - -
Threat - -
Attack - -
Physical - -
Threat - -
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




KotOR Icon XP.png Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 150 Killed Lasavvou (level 12)

Lasavvou doesn't attack you, and killing him is psychotic. You can trick him instead:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Uh, I'm sure we could negotiate a new price.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: Your trickery is subtle - but effective. I can offer 200 creds only.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Unfortunately that is not enough. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 5. Never mind. I'll be going now.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: Then please leave me to contemplate my dilemma.
KotOR Icon Dark.png Dark Side Points Gained: -2
2. That will be acceptable, thank you.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: Here you go.
KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Overtaxed Ithorian
You met an Ithorian trader named Lasavvou. You pretended that you were with the docking authority and tricked him into giving you 200 credits.
KotOR Icon Credits.png Credits Received: 200
I'm not going to pay you any more credits.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: The dock authority is the second voice of the Exchange - they charge high cred for leaving and entering the dock area. I was able to dock, but when I arrived, I found my contact was not here. The dock authority will impound my ship unless I can get enough creds to pay to leave.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Sounds like a problem - but not my problem.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: That is a fact, but that is my explanation for my question to you when you first forced entry into my quarters. Please leave.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Let me see if I can help. I'll go see the dock master. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. If you could help a family get off planet, then I could help you pay the fee.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: Thank you, human. The dock master is Fassa. I will not forget you interceding on my behalf. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: That deal is acceptable to me. Very well - if you intercede on my behalf, this family I will ship off-planet.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I'll let you know what happens. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Save your thanks, Ithorian.

KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Overtaxed Ithorian
You met an Ithorian trader named Lasavvou. His contact on Nar Shaddaa never showed up so he can't sell his cargo. Without the money from the trade, he can't pay the required docking fees, so Vogga won't let him depart.

If you have any Awareness:

Awareness 1. [Awareness (1)] Out of curiosity, what is your cargo, Lasavvou?

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: I am transporting cryogenic power cells. A large shipment. Again, I thank you for your help.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Could I have one of your power cells?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: If you can help me, I will give you one.

KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Overtaxed Ithorian
You met an Ithorian trader named Lasavvou. His contact on Nar Shaddaa never showed up so he can't sell his cargo of cryogenic power cells. Without the money from the trade, he can't pay the required docking fees, so Vogga won't let him depart.

After leaving the flophouse, turn left and you can now talk about Lasavvou with the dockmaster, Fassa, at the junction to Pylon 2:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 5. I want to talk to you about Lasavvou.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: You helped Fassa. So I let Ithorian go for you. You go tell him, right?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I'll let him know. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I'm not a messenger. You tell him yourself.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Great, good. What else? KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: You rude. Fassa will remember. What else?

Being rude at any point completes this quest, but Lasavvou is gone and you receive no experience. Otherwise, if you haven't already assigned the correct docking priority to Fassa's Freighters:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: The Ithorian? Nothing to talk about. He pay docking fee, he go.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. Forget about Lasavvou. I want to ask you something else.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Fine but you hurry up. I have a lot to do.

If you're not aware Lasavvou is transporting cryogenic power cells:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. He can't pay the docking fee because he can't sell his cargo.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: That's an unfortunate story. But Vogga likes credits, not stories.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. How much does he owe?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Ithorian owe...600 creds. Why, does he owe you money too?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. No, but I'd like to pay his debt. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. No, I'm just curious. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Yes, and I plan to get it from him.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Fine. You tell Lasavvou he can go now. What else? KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Fine but you hurry up. I have a lot to do. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: I don't care what you do about it.

After asking how much he owes and then saying you'd like to pay his debt, you don't actually pay but it proceeds as though you have. Otherwise:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Is there any way I can convince you to forget about his debt?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Forget? Yes, Fassa can forget. You pay debt and I forget. 600 credits. Or... maybe you help Fassa with something.
Impossible 1. [Force Persuade] You want to let Lasavvou depart.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: [Failure] You persuasive. But Vogga's thugs more persuasive. 600 credits.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I'll pay 600 credits. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I don't have 600 credits right now, but I'll get it and return.
KotOR Icon Credits.png Credits Lost: 600
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Great, good. You go tell him, right? KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Great, good. You return with credits and I forget.

KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Overtaxed Ithorian
You have paid Lasavvou's debt to Vogga. You should tell Lasavou that he is free to go.

Since he cannot be persuaded to let Lasavvou depart, you actually have to pay the debt, help him or be aware Lasavvou is transporting cryogenic power cells:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. What do you need help with?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Pylon power supply badly damaged. Only can support one pylon at a time. Can't bring freighters in fast enough. You help bring freighters in, Fassa help Ithorian.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I'll try to help.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. [Awareness] Lasavvou's cargo is cryogenic power cells. Would those help? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. He can't pay the docking fee because he can't sell his power cells.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Cryogenic power cells you say? Ithorian gives Fassa some power cells and Fassa let him go. Agree? KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Power cells you say? I have an idea. Pylons need new power supply. Ithorian gives Fassa some power cells and Fassa let him go. Agree?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I think Lasavvou would accept that deal. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. If you need power cells so badly, maybe you should give Lassavou some extra money. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. [Persuade] Is there a finder's fee for me solving your problem?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Great, good. You go tell him, right? KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Don't worry about it human. Fassa and Lasavvou can talk. You go tell him? KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Heh heh heh heh. You funny human. Heh heh heh. I like you. But Vogga doesn't pay fees, he collects them. But maybe sometime you need help with a freighter and Fassa remembers you. Now you tell Ithorian of deal?

KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Overtaxed Ithorian
Fassa will exonerate Lasavvou of his docking fees for some of the power cells he has as his cargo. You should tell Lasavvou about this solution.

When you return to Lasavvou in the flophouse:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Fassa says that you can depart now.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: Oh, this is good news. Here is a power cell as I promised. I'll be on my way. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: Oh, this is good news. I'll be going.

If you made a deal for his power cells rather than paying his debt or helping Fazza:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Fassa says that he will let you depart if you give him some of your power cells.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: Oh, this is good news. That is a good trade. And here is a power cell as I promised. I'll be on my way. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lasavvou: Oh, this is good news. That is a good trade. Thank you. I will be going now.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Good luck, Lasavvou.

The cryogenic power cell is only received if you asked for one earlier, and it can now be used to fix the pylon power supply: otherwise, if you helped Fassa assign the correct docking priority to his freighters, or made a deal for the power cells, then Fassa fixes it himself and all pylons are now active, but you don't receive any experience for this.

In every case:

KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Overtaxed Ithorian
You helped resolve Lasavvou's predicament. He has apparently left Nar Shaddaa.

Around the final corner of the hallway and just inside the second door on the left, is a backpack to the left:

Intergalactic Reunification [edit]

Around the final corner of the hallway and beyond the third door on the left is Lootra, with a metal box in the back left corner:

KotOR Icon Item(s) Received.png Item(s) Received: Metal Box
  • ?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Uh... well, the door was open.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: No harm done. For a minute, I thought you might have been someone else.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Just get out, but leave your valuables behind.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: If you're with the Exchange, then you promised you'd give me a little more time to decide. I should have known you core slimes wouldn't give me a chance.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. What do you mean? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. What are you talking about? Time for what?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: My wife... Aaida, there's a chance she may be here on Nar Shaddaa. A lot of refugees ended up here after the Jedi Civil War. I came here to see if I could track her down. Thing is, I can't get into the Refugee Sector, and even if I could, I'm not sure I could find her. I've been here for weeks, hoping to see her face. All I've done is watch my credits burn away to nothing.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. I'll be going now.

KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Intergalactic Reunification: Bonus Mission
You have met a man named Lootra who is looking for his wife Aaida on Nar Shaddaa.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Why can't you get into the Refugee Sector?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: The Exchange has got the place barricaded with thugs - they're putting the squeeze on the whole sector, trying to crush the spirit out of the remaining refugees. Now, I'm almost cleaned out. I burned the last of my fuel and my freight just getting here - the Exchange promised me a job shuttling freight via cargo cruiser, and I'm close to taking them up on it.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. How do you know she's still alive?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: I don't, and that's the most frustrating thing. But sometimes... sometimes I'm just sure she's still alive, somewhere.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I may be able to get into the Refugee Sector for you.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Yeah? And what's it going to cost me?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Nothing - I'd just like to help, if I can. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Whatever credits you have left should be sufficient.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Well, I'm not going to turn away an offer of help - all right, stranger, if you can find her, then you'll have my thanks. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: If you can find her, that'll be a small price to pay. All right, stranger, you got a deal.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Let me go see what I can find out in the Refugee Sector. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. All right, then. I'll be going now.

You can complete this quest most quickly by convincing him to give up on finding Aaida: although you receive no experience, you gain the favor and the attention of the Exchange.

Considering you can always lie or persuade him, it's surprising you can't force the issue:

Impossible 2. [Force Persuade] Take the job with the Exchange, and tell them I sent you.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Ennnh... wh... what? No! No, there may still be a chance of finding her. Isn't there? My head feels strange.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Hmmmm. Guess the memory of your wife is stronger than I thought. I'll be back.

You need to be more subtle:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. [Lie] Some refugees in the sector said Aaida died many months ago, calling out your name. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. [Persuade] Not much hope of finding her on Nar Shaddaa - you should take the job with the Exchange. Tell them I sent you. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. [Persuade] You know there's no chance of finding her on Nar Shaddaa - take the job with the Exchange. Tell them I sent you.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Wh... what? I always feared that was what happened... at least now I know. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: [Success] I think you're right - without her, there's nowhere I really have left to go, or even want to go to.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: It's strange you came by when you did... I was right at the edge of deciding whether to give up, turning it over in my mind, and suddenly, you walked through the door and gave me the answer I needed to hear.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Facing the truth is what gives you strength. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Think about that when you reach future moments of indecision, for I will not always be there. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. There will be many who will seek to exploit such weaknesses - you may trust me, but be wary of others. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. Just tell the Exchange Name sent you.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: I'll remember that. Thanks again, stranger. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Will do - thanks again, stranger.

KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Intergalactic Reunification: Bonus Mission
You convinced Lootra to give up on finding Aaida.

KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: That was well executed - you used his own doubt to foster trust and reliance. Perhaps you are learning much in the flow of Nar Shaddaa.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. And what would you have done? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. That'd better not be mockery in your tone.
KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: Do not mistake my tone. I was not faulting your choice. Far from it, I respect it - there are many who never learn such strength.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Thank you for your wisdom, Kreia.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. When I seek your opinion, I shall ask for it. Be silent. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I couldn't care less for your teachings - let us go.
KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: Very well. I shall keep my thoughts to myself.
Influence Gained: Kreia (+1) Thanks again, stranger. I won't forget what you've done for me.

If you haven't completed Crafting a Lightsaber then the quickest way to receive a lightsaber fixture is to kill Lootra, which is psychotic and gains the favor and attention of the Exchange:

Lootra (level 12)
KotORII Model Lootra.png

Set 3
Level 9
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 56
Force -
Defense 21
Fortitude 12
Reflex 14
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Energy - -
Threat - -
Attack 12 -
Bludgeoning 2-8 -
Threat 20-20,x2 -
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Scoundrel's Luck


If you have crafted a lightsaber then it may be better to reunite them to receive another, even though this moves you closer to the light side of the Force for half the experience of tricking Aaida (1000 vs 2000 XP), and loses the favor and gains the attention of the Exchange.

Aaida can be found in the middle of Refugee Commons in the Refugee Quad. If you speak to her there and then return here before she leaves (or after tricking her):

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I ran into a woman named Aaida in the Refugee Sector.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: What? Is there any way to get her out?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I still need to deal with the Exchange to get her out of the sector. They have the place sealed pretty tight. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I'm working on it. I'll return when I have more. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. We'll have to see. It could get expensive.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: I can't believe she's still alive - this is the best news I've heard in years. Please, whatever you can do, I'd appreciate it. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: I'll pay you whatever you want. Just please, get her out of there!

Once you have dealt with the Exchange guards and told Aaida about it, she leaves the quad and returns to Lootra here. If you've already crafted a lightsaber then save game before speaking to him:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Aaida, I didn't think I'd ever find you, I can't believe you're here, before me.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Aaida: The destruction of Telos - I can't even tell you what happened after, being shuttled from system to system, barely one planet ahead of the Sith fleet...
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Shhhh. We can talk about it later. You have my thanks, stranger. I can only hope you have as much luck at what you're looking for.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I believe you owe me a reward. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I was actually looking for a reward. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. No thanks necessary, I'm just glad I was able to help. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. I hope so, too - may the Force be with you both.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: That I do. Here you go - it's all I had left, but it's nothing compared to finding Aaida again. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Of course, of course. Here you go - it's all I had left, but it's nothing compared to finding Aaida again.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: It's strange you came by when you did... I was right at the edge of deciding whether to give up, turning it over in my mind, and suddenly, you walked through the door and gave me the answer I needed to hear.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. I'm just glad I was there for you - just be sure to do the same if you encounter another in need.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Will do - thanks again, stranger.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Holding on to hope is what gives you strength. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I think you already knew the answer, which was why you didn't give in to the Exchange.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: I'll remember that. Thanks again, stranger. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Lootra: Maybe you're right - thanks again, stranger.

KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: It would have been better had he found her on his own. By aiding him, you have only weakened him.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. I don't want to hear it. Let's go.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. What makes you say that? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. That's a little harsh.
KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: He was at a moment of crisis - a moment of indecision. It is those internal struggles, when they are fought and won, that yield the strongest rewards. You took that battle from him, cheapened it. If he truly loved her, truly, he would have entered the Refugee Sector on his own, damn the Exchange, damn everything in his path, and taken her. You have made their union easier, not better.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Is it wrong to care about others enough to help them?
KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: If you care for them, then dispense with pity and sacrifice and recognize the value in letting them fight their own battles. And when they triumph, they will be even stronger for the victory.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. If you were lost to me, Kreia, I would not turn away a stranger's help to rescue you.
KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: If you ever weakened yourself in such a way for me, I would rather suffer and die than have you demean yourself for me. That is not who you are, who you can become.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. It is who I am.
KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: Then you do not know yourself, and you will die a fool's death before you are ever tested.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I don't think accepting help to aid my friends is foolish. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Maybe such a choice is the test.
KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: If you care for them, then dispense with pity and sacrifice and recognize the value in letting them fight their own battles. And when they triumph, they will be even stronger for the victory. KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: Then you have failed, and when you break, it will be because another does, and then the galaxy shall fall.
KotORII Icon Atton.png Atton: Uh... hey, thanks. KotORII Icon Bao-Dur.png Bao-Dur: The Mandalorian Wars proved such things. In only one Jedi did I see valor. KotORII Icon Handmaiden.png Handmaiden: His stance tells of such things. KotORII Icon Disciple.png Disciple: Her nature tells of such things to any who care to listen.
Influence Gained: Atton, Bao-Dur, Handmaiden or Disciple (+1)
KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: Then your allies are your weakness, and if they die, you die with them. And where once the Sith had but one target, now there are many, and you frustrate my attempts to protect you.

KotORII Icon Kreia.png Kreia: I grow weary of this. Perhaps time will allow my words to take root if your common sense will not permit it.

Thanks again, stranger. I won't forget what you've done for me. Thanks again, stranger. You've returned Lootra to me, and I will be forever grateful.

Beyond the fourth and final door on the left of the hallway, there's an empty room with a door in the back wall:

[This appears to be a magnetically-sealed storage door, locked from the inside. You don't see any means of opening it.]

Pylon 2 [edit]

Beyond the flophouse is a junction: the walkway to the right leads to Pylon 2, while it continues straight ahead around to Pylon 3. Just before this junction you'll see the pylon power console to the right:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. Log out.

Otherwise, you can toggle power to one of the pylons:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Toggle power to Pylon 1. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Toggle power to Pylon 2. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Toggle power to Pylon 3.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


If you toggle power to the same active pylon, or when another is already active:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


You can toggle power to one pylon at a time to use its console to examine freighter ID Signatures, and then assign freighter priorities after speaking to Fassa, the dockmaster. However, if you fix the pylon power supply then all three pylons are active, and there's no need to toggle power between them.

Fassa, the Twi'lek dockmaster, is standing at the junction just beyond the pylon power console:

If you've already tried to assign freighter priorities at one of the Pylon consoles then you can use the Force to persuade him to give you access, otherwise you'll need to ask who he works for and then how business is these days:

Low (Affect Mind) 1. [Force Persuade] Give me access to the pylon consoles.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: I'll give you access to the pylon consoles.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Thank you, Fassa. That is all for now.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Who do you work for?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: My boss is the Hutt Vogga. I oversee the docks for Vogga's freighters.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Where can I find Vogga?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Vogga is here in dock area. On north side.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. How is business these days?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: You not from here? Business bad. Freighters get hijacked, no trade gets through. And can't get fuel from Sleheyron. Fuel reserves building up there.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Who is hijacking the freighters?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Goto and his Exchange hijacks Vogga's ships. Hurts business.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Why is Goto hijacking the freighters?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: For money I assume. We don't know how he does it... every ship we send out, he gets.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I'd like to ask you about something else.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Fine but you hurry up. I have a lot to do.

You can also talk to him about the Exchange, and his responses may vary slightly depending on your standing:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I wanted to talk to you about the Exchange.

Favor -2 -2 < Favor < 2 Favor +2
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Yes, let's talk about Exchange. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Why you care about Exchange? KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: What you want to know about Exchange?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Can you help me infiltrate the Exchange? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. [Persuade] I am an agent of the Exchange. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. How do you feel about the Exchange?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: The Exchange is very powerful. Fassa doesn't know how to reach them. Maybe you talk with Vogga. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: [Failure] I don't think so. Goto not hire many humans. You want waste my time? KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Exchange causes big problems for boss Vogga. All freighters get hijacked when they leave. We think Exchange is doing this.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. You are a clever one, Fassa. Can you tell me about the Exchange?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Don't flatter me. What you want to know about Exchange?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I want to speak with them. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. How can I speak with them?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Why you speak with Exchange? No matter... you do not decide when to speak to them... Exchange decide to speak to you.
Favor > -2 Favor -2
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: But best you keep hidden and not speak with Exchange. You not want their attention I think. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Fassa heard they not so happy with you. Maybe best you not speak to them.

Once you've spoken to Kahranna and Odis in the Refugee Quad:

To the right at the end of the walkway is the door to the control room for Pylon 2. The Pylon 2 console is against the middle of the back wall:

Once you've activated this console from the pylon power console, you can examine freighter ID Signatures:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 2 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 2
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Examine freighter ID Signatures.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 2 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 2
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Read ID Signature of freighter Silver Zephyr. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Read ID Signature of freigher Toorna's Profits. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Read ID Signature of freighter Alakandor.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 2 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 2

Silver Zephyr: I-**-967-**1

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 2 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 2

Toorna's Profits: E-45-451-118

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 2 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 2

Alakandor: S-*9-4**-***

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. Return to Main Menu.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Assign freighter priorities.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 2 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 2


You need to speak to Fassa before you can assign freighter priorities, although this can be done at any of the three pylon consoles.

Fassa's Freighters [edit]

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Fassa: Pylon power supply badly damaged. Only can support one pylon at a time. Can't bring freighters in fast enough. You help bring freighters in, maybe Fassa can help you later.
KotOR Icon Journal.png Journal Entry Added: Fassa's Freighters
Three freighters are waiting to dock on Nar Shaddaa. Fassa has asked you to assign them the correct docking priority. Priority is determined by each ship's ID Signature. The first two numbers in a freighter's ID Signature dictate its importance (the freighter with the higher number is more important). If these numbers are tied for two freighters, then the last three numbers are compared.

Fassa also told you that the first two numbers in the second set of digits always match the first set of digits. Consoles in the pylons can be used to read the freighter's ID Signature, but only one console can be powered at a time, making the information incomplete.

Fassa doesn't actually tell you any of this unless you tell him you'll try to help fix the pylon power supply:

There are only six possible assignments so you can use trial and error, but you receive less than half experience if any assignment is faulty. You only need to examine freighter ID Signatures on the Pylon 2 console and one of the other two to be able to correctly assign freighter priorities based on the information in your Journal, although examining all three gives you the full signature of every freighter:

Pylon 1 Pylon 2 Pylon 3
Alakandor: S-49-491-937 Toorna's Profits: E-45-451-118 Silver Zephyr: I-96-967-521

You can assign freighter priorities at any active pylon console:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st -
2nd -
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 1st priority to Silver Zephyr. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Assign 1st priority to Toorna's Profits. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Assign 1st priority to Alakandor.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Silver Zephyr
2nd -
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Toorna's Profits
2nd -
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Alakandor
2nd -
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Undo last assignment. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. Log out. (Resets all assignments.)


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 2nd priority to Toorna's Profits. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Assign 2nd priority to Alakandor. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 2nd priority to Silver Zephyr. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Assign 2nd priority to Alakandor. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 2nd priority to Silver Zephyr. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Assign 2nd priority to Toorna's Profits.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Silver Zephyr
2nd - Toorna's Profits
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Silver Zephyr
2nd - Alakandor
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Toorna's Profits
2nd - Silver Zephyr
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Toorna's Profits
2nd - Alakandor
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Alakandor
2nd - Silver Zephyr
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Alakandor
2nd - Toorna's Profits
3rd -

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 3rd priority to Alakandor. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 3rd priority to Toorna's Profits. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 3rd priority to Alakandor. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 3rd priority to Silver Zephyr. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 3rd priority to Toorna's Profits. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Assign 3rd priority to Silver Zephyr.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Silver Zephyr
2nd - Toorna's Profits
3rd - Alakandor

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Silver Zephyr
2nd - Alakandor
3rd - Toorna's Profits

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Toorna's Profits
2nd - Silver Zephyr
3rd – Alakandor

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Toorna's Profits
2nd - Alakandor
3rd - Silver Zephyr

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Alakandor
2nd - Silver Zephyr
3rd - Toorna's Profits

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON

1st - Alakandor
2nd - Toorna's Profits
3rd - Silver Zephyr

Obviously, this is the only acceptable assignment:

Save game before you next speak to Fassa, so you can load game afterwards if you didn't get what you wanted:

The item received depends on your experience level:

You cannot receive robes or armor before level 4, or upgrade items for lightsabers before level 10. You may also receive a color crystal. However, if an item is already equipped by your main character or in your inventory, then the next highest item of that type which you don't already have is received instead: this should not happen for items only equipped by your party or in containers elsewhere, or any upgrade items already in armor and weapons.

If you try to use any of the pylon consoles again:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON


Power Shortage [edit]

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I'll do my best.

This quest can effectively be completed if you resolve the predicament of the Ithorian trader, Lasavvou, in the flophouse by helping Fassa assign the correct docking priority to his freighters, or making a deal with him for Lasavvou's power cells, but you don't receive any experience for this.

If you ask for, and receive, a cryogenic power cell from Lasavvou beforehand then you can use the pylon power console to install it and fix the pylon power supply. However, the power cell can also be used to fix the Airspeeder in the Refugee Quad, and you receive the same experience if you or one of your party can fix it with sufficient skill in Computer Use (and at least one Computer Spike):

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon Power Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS


Vogga's Enclave [edit]

Beyond the junction to Pylon 2, the walkway continues to the top left corner of the docks before turning right. As you approach this corner, you'll see the door to Vogga's enclave in the wall ahead. Inside, a Bith stands by the left wall:

Otherwise, you can ask him about what he's doing here, Goto and Vogga's problem:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. What can you tell me about Goto?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith: Probably not much more than anyone else can tell you. He runs the show in Nar Shaddaa. The Exchange's never had a boss like him before.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. What are you doing here? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. What's Vogga's problem?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith: Vogga's sitting on the biggest supply of fuel in the Outer Rim, now that Peragus has been wiped off the charts.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Why doesn't Vogga do something about it?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith: Vogga won't admit it, but Goto's outmaneuvered him, and Vogga doesn't know how to deal with it.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. What's your interest in this?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith: I negotiate shipping contracts between systems. I wanted to convince Vogga to start shipping fuel to Citadel Station, but because of the problems he's been having, he wasn't going for it.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I was also trying to find a fuel source for Citadel Station.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith: Were you? Well, I suggest you look for another route. This one's mine.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Not after I convince Vogga it's safe for his freighters to operate again.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith: Hah! You just go and tell him that. I've got real business to attend to.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. It's not safe to compete with me.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith: What's that, a threat? I didn't get this far in the business without learning how to take care of myself.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. After I work out the deal with Vogga, I'll deal with you.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Bith: Promises, promises, spacer.

You can show him why it's not safe to compete with you to ship Vogga's fuel to Citadel Station:

Bith (level 12)
KotORII Model Bith.png

Set 3
Level 9
Class Scoundrel
Alignment 50 (neutral)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 56
Force -
Defense 21
Fortitude 12
Reflex 14
Will 12
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Energy - -
Threat - -
Attack 12 -
Bludgeoning 2-8 -
Threat 20-20,x2 -
Items and abilities Feats Force powers


Scoundrel's Luck


KotOR Icon XP.png Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed Bith (level 12)

The door to Vogga's Warehouse is in the back wall. The security door in the right wall is locked and guarded by Vogga's thug, a Gran:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga's Thug: If you want an audience with Vogga, you'd better have a good reason.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. I'll be going now.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Who are you?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga's Thug: I am one of many in Vogga's employ. Before, I was a member of his security detail, but after Vogga fed my predecessor to his hounds...
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I want to speak with Vogga.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga's Thug: Ah, now that is a unique position to be in. Vogga's schedule has openings just for requests such as that. Do not waste my time. What is the matter you wish to speak with Vogga about?

If you ask the dockmaster Fassa who he works for and then how business is these days then you can say it's about the freighter hijackings, and if you then ask Fassa who is hijacking the freighters, or overhear two thugs in the entertainment promenade's cantina talking about Vogga the Hutt and the crimeboss Goto, then you can say its about Goto:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. The freighter hijackings that have been plaguing his shipping. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. I want to talk to him about Goto.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga's Thug: Might want to be careful how you bring that up. Vogga can be touchy about discussing aggravations. I'll let you in, just make it fast. Of course, Vogga might feed you to his hounds, and we won't have to worry about anything, will we?


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. You'll let me in, if you know what's good for you.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga's Thug: Ah, so it's like that, is it? This should be interesting. Yes, please, Vogga awaits you.
Speak your business to Vogga, then get out.

He opens the security door, revealing a short hallway leading to Vogga. There's a low security door in the top wall, beyond which is an empty barracks.

Security Low Security Door Unlock 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Vogga the Hutt [edit]

As you approach, the Twi'lek servant to the left of Vogga speaks:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Twi'lek Servant: Welcome, guests of Vogga. Please, follow me, my master awaits.

She ignores you if you try to speak to her again. If you try to interact with either of the kath hounds flanking Vogga, or approach the security door in the top wall:

[She ignores you.] [The kath hound growls at you.]

There's a watering urn in the top left corner, and Vogga sits in the bottom right corner:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: Why do you defile my space, human? You are irritating my kath hounds... and me. Speak!

If you ask the dockmaster Fassa who he works for and then how business is these days then you can ask Vogga to tell you about the freighter hijackings, and if you then ask Fassa who is hijacking the freighters, or overhear two thugs in the entertainment promenade's cantina talking about Vogga the Hutt and the crimeboss Goto, then you can ask Vogga to tell you about Goto without asking about the Exchange first:


KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: The infuriating one, Goto, he is the one I wish to see lying in a pool of blood in front of me... or with his knee bent.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. What has Goto done to you?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: I do not know how he has managed it, but he preys upon my freighters. Entire shipments of fuel from Sleheyron have been hijacked by his minions. Because of this, I have been forced to cease my trading operations, which has proven quite annoying.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Perhaps I can help you get to the bottom of this.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: Ha! I think it not likely that you will find anything where all my resources have failed. But you are welcome to, if you are determined.

New Fuel Source [edit]

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: What, and you would do this out of the kindness of your heart? What is your price. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: And you would do this why? What's in it for you?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I just want to make sure Telos has fuel. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. A fair deal for Telos. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. A finder's fee of course. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I've never been owed a favor by a planet before.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: It would be best to let that planet die, I think. Restoring it would not be worth the trouble. Not much of a planet, anyways. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: Ha ha! I like you, you aren't half bad for a human. I only make fair deals. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: Ha ha! Everyone wants a cut. Oh, you'll receive yours, I can assure you that. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: Ho ho ho! I like you, human. The way you think - like a Hutt.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Vogga: But this is getting ahead of ourselves. First, Goto must be dealt with, or the stores of Sleheyron will remain on Sleheyron. Was there something else? Otherwise, see yourself to the door.

This loses the favor and gains the attention of the Exchange. If you speak to him again before his freighters are safe from Goto's hijacking:

Vogga's Warehouse [edit]

Once inside Vogga's enclave, there's a warehouse door in the top wall opposite the entrance. Beyond, another warehouse door in the left wall is locked, and the droid B-5D8 stands behind a desk in the top right corner:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png B-5D8: Greetings, I am B-5D8. How may I assist you?

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Can you tell me anything about Vogga?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png B-5D8: Vogga the Hutt is the owner of this warehouse as well as many other facilities, apartments and structures on Nar Shaddaa.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. What is this place?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png B-5D8: This is a warehouse privately owned by Vogga the Hutt. Your specific business-related inquiries will have to be directed to Vogga himself. I am not authorized to disclose any information of that nature. However, I can say that this is an entirely droid-operated facility, and as such, we purchase droids for use here.

Jekk'Jekk Tarr [edit]

The walkway to the right of the door to Vogga's Enclave leads to Pylon 3, past the entrance to the Jekk'Jekk Tarr bar in the top wall to the left. As you approach, the bounty hunter Mira is now watching you from the opposite side of the docks:

Alignment < 40 Alignment 40-60 Alignment > 60
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mira: Looks more like one of the Sith to me. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mira: Sure doesn't look much like a Jedi. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mira: Well, looks like the Jedi raised their standards.

The Wookiee bounty hunter Hanharr comes up behind her menacingly:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mira: Hanharr... I thought I smelled something. I've told you before - hunt your own targets, don't scavenge mine.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: You are my prey, female. Always.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mira: What, working for the Hutts suddenly make you stupider, Hanharr? You touch me, you'll break the truce, and then you won't last long enough to slip off this moon.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: Maybe I forget truce for a short while, go mad, forget rules.

He picks her up by the throat:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: Maybe seeing your bones break, seeing you in pain will be all I need to see before I die, then the life debt over, and I can be at peace.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mira: Don't, Hanharr. I'm warning you.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: Warn me? Of what? Warn me you trick me, warn me you violate life debt? Little human girl, I could crush you with one hand, end lifetime of misery.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mira: I don't want your life debt, Hanharr - I told you!
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: Then little girl should not have made mistake so long ago. On Kashyyyk, females who make mistakes die. Hanharr smells your fear, even through the stink of the moon.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mira: Yeah, you're right. I'm afraid. I'm afraid if you keep crushing me, I'll accidentally set off my rocket charges and blow us both to Nal Hutta.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: Are you are finally ready to die? I do not think so... your eyes show you are still filled with fear.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Mira: I'd rather die than be caught by you again, Hanharr.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Hanharr: It is not the time for you to enter the Shadowlands. When it is, I will be there, my claws at your throat, and I will stare into your eyes as you die.

He releases her, and both are gone by the time you return to their location.

A Gran stands to the left of the entrance to Jekk'Jekk Tarr, and a Trandoshan to the right:

Humans should stay out of Jekk'Jekk Tarr if they know what's good for them. Find somewhere to be with your own kind, human. Do not defile Jekk'Jekk Tarr with your presence.

The Trandoshan becomes more talkative as you try to enter:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Trandoshan: Hey, you. Human. You're not going into Jekk'Jekk Tarr, are you?

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. What if I was? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I go where I want. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. Leave me alone, Trandoshan. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Is there some reason I shouldn't?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Trandoshan: You're human. If you step in there, you'll be dead before you take two steps. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Trandoshan: Suit yourself, but I warn you. If you step in there, you will die. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Trandoshan: Jekk'Jekk Tarr is not a place for your kind. The atmosphere is poisonous to you.

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. I'll take my chances.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Is that a threat? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. And you're going to stop me?
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Trandoshan: No need - your death is certain should you enter Jekk'Jekk Tarr.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Gran: You misunderstand my intimidating friend here. He only means this as a warning. Jekk'Jekk Tarr is not your normal cantina. It is a bar for aliens, not humans - the poisonous gasses inside would prove deadly to a species as fragile as your own.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. I see. How can I get in then? KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. I don't believe you. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. On second thought, I'll go somewhere else.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Trandoshan: No one's stopping you from getting in, human. It's whether you come out. KotORII Icon Dialog.png Trandoshan: Then you're a fool.

Entering Jekk'Jekk Tarr is unnecessary at this point, but you (and any other organic member of your party) should really have Immunity: Poison when you do...

Pylon 3 [edit]

At the end of the walkway beyond the entrance to Jekk'Jekk Tarr is the door to the control room for Pylon 3. Inside, a cleaning droid patrols along the bottom and right sides, and there's a plasteel cylinder in the top left corner:

[This droid is using sonic waves to clean the equipment. It ignores you]
KotOR Icon Item(s) Received.png Item(s) Received: Plasteel Cylinder
  • Maneuvering Flaps
These heavily reinforced maneuvering flaps are designed for use with military airspeeders.

The Pylon 3 console is against the middle of the back wall:

Once you've activated this console from the pylon power console, you can examine freighter ID Signatures:

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 3 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 3
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Examine freighter ID Signatures.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 3 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 3
KotORII Icon Dialog.png 1. Read ID Signature of freighter Silver Zephyr. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Read ID Signature of freigher Toorna's Profits. KotORII Icon Dialog.png 3. Read ID Signature of freighter Alakandor.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 3 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 3

Silver Zephyr: I-96-967-521

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 3 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 3

Toorna's Profits: E-4*-***-*18

KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 3 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 3

Alakandor: S-*9-4**-93

KotORII Icon Dialog.png 4. Return to Main Menu.


KotORII Icon Dialog.png 2. Assign freighter priorities.
KotORII Icon Dialog.png Pylon 3 Console: NAR SHADDAA DOCKS PYLON 3


You need to speak to Fassa before you can assign freighter priorities, although this can be done at any of the three pylon consoles.

Kotor 2 How to Get Into Vogga's Warehouse
